Thursday 2 June 2016

Thwart an attack scheme to regulate Daash in Germany

BERLIN (Ina) - The German authorities Thursday (June 2, 2016), thwarting an attack planned to organize Daash, and arrested three Syrians entered Europe through Greece on the back of growing fears in Germany after Paris and Brussels attacks and the crisis of immigration. 
Confirmed federal prosecutors said in a statement , "according to the results of the investigation ongoing, three of the suspects in Germany and another in France were preparing to commit a suicide bombing on behalf of the terrorist organization Daash in the old city in Dusseldorf "arrest. the 
three men are Hamza Q. (27 years) and Mahmoud b. (25 years old) and Abdul Rahman AG (31 years) from the Syrian nationality were arrested in North - Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg and in the Paddy-Wurtemberg was searched places of residence. 
The fourth was a man detained in France in connection with this scheme in favor of a name. 25, confessed in February that led to the disclosure of the four planned, according to Karlsruhe on behalf of the charge of terrorism cases. Prompted Germany to extradite him. 
The benefit of income and Hamza Europe via Greece in March and July 2015 by the "peak" of European immigration crisis. 
Confirmed judicial authorities that the arrests unrelated to the finals of the European Nations Cup ,scheduled to open in France on the tenth of June / June and raise concerns about the security in thestadiums. 
even "though there is no evidence to definitely that the suspects had started implementing their plans , " they were preparing to carry out an attack "in the old city of Dusseldorf , " according to the source. 
According to the plans in favor of a. Hamza Q. Who received in Syria orders to carry out the attack was supposed to detonate suicide bombers " were wearing explosive belts" themselves up in one of themain boulevards in the city center also said the federal prosecutor. 
She continued, according to Agence France - Presse, he said that others will assume then "kill thelargest possible number of passers - by rifles and explosive devices. "

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