Saturday 4 June 2016

Praise God opens a medical complex of the Commission for Zakat funds in Nablus

Nablus (Ina) - opened the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Rami Hamdallah, on Saturday (June 4, 2016), Naples Medical Complex charity of the Commission for Zakat, in the West Bank city of Nablus. 
He said thank God, in his speech during the opening ceremony, said that "complex Nablus medical charity, is one built a state of Palestine, an essential component not only in the medical system work but charitable and humanitarian work as well. " 
He praised the President and members of the Nablus Zakat central to the vital and important role in theimplementation and consolidation of humanitarian and charity work," where the Commission hascontributed and continues to improve the lives of a lot of grieving and needy families, providing quality and distinctive services cycle , a model nationally and humanly leading and inspiring. " 
said Praise God , " about thirty years ago, formed the nucleus of this medical complex, when Nablus Zakat Committee established a "dispensary solidarity", to provide a range of medical services and responds to the needs of our people, because we are seeing today, and the support of our national institutions and the community, to grow and expand and develop its organs and its equipment and facilities, to promote the health services provided, and turns into an integrated and distinct medical complex.

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