Thursday 2 June 2016

Palestinian government: Rabbi Glick threats to demolish Al-Aqsa paid to ignite a religious war

Ramallah (Ina) - described the Palestinian government of national reconciliation, the statements made ​​by Israeli Knesset member extremist Rabbi Yehuda Glick, which he threatened to destroy the Al - Aqsa Mosque, as aggressive and disgusting. 
He said government spokesman Yusuf Mahmoud, in a press release on Thursday (2 June 2016), said that the remarks Glick contribute to inflame the situation, and push things toward ignite a religious war in theentire region. 
he added that the MK Glick was to get out of such Altvohat had it not been based on a similar Tvohat preceded by the President of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, which bounds the anumber of allegations and reached the highest limits of arrogance and extremism and hostility to peace, when he said: "Jerusalem will remain under Israeli sovereignty , " and claimed that " the roots of theJewish people extend to the Al - Aqsa mosque, which is deeper than any other people, and that it does not need to prove", he claimed. 
he said Mahmood: when Netanyahu speaks and gangs of extremists on the history and roots, they remember the world 's current situation , which is still the subject of the Palestinian territories, particularly East Jerusalem, the occupation of which was seized by force of arms, aggression and support the colonial powers. 
he called on Netanyahu to revise senior studies historians and scientists Israelis effects such as "Ze'ev Herzog" and "Israel Flankhtaan" and others questioning the occupation allegations about the Al - Aqsa mosque, based on a hundred years of exploration and excavation failed to prove a single directory on the health claims of the occupation. 
He called the official spokesman of the international community to move quickly to rein in reckless dangerous , who came upon the Netanyahu government aims to push for a religious war.

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