Sunday 12 June 2016

Official data: the Turks have spent on cigarettes is equivalent to building 10 nuclear plants

Istanbul (Ina) - official data showed that the value of what the Turks spent on tobacco in thepast decade amounted to 257 billion Turkish liras (about 89 billion US dollars). Noting that "it is enough to build 10 nuclear power stations." 
Revealed figures from the "organization of the tobacco market and alcohol , " the Turkish body (government) that the Turks had consumed about 1.416 trillion a cigarette during thepast ten years, totaling US $ 89 billion. 
According to the Commission, it can be had for this huge amount to allow Turkey to finance fold infrastructure giant carried out in the past few years projects; for example , finance theconstruction of 56 projects similar to "bridge the Sultan Selim I , " a third bridge connecting the West European Istanbul Asian West city. 
it is sufficient amount mentioned to finance the construction of 10 nuclear plants, or build 11 dams such as the "bridge of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk," the biggest dams Turkey on theEuphrates River, or the implementation of 46 projects as "Marmaray tunnel", which links theWest European Istanbul West Asian city through a tunnel under the Strait seabed Bosphorus.
also, it was possible to exploit the amount in the completion of the equivalent value of six similar projects for "Southeast Anatolia development project", a development project of aneconomic zone southeast Anatolia in Turkey, abbreviated as "GAP" is known, aims to expand agricultural land and generate electricity through the construction of 21 dams and tunnels on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers 
the number of rolls of tobacco produced in Turkey, during the past ten years .1311000000000 a roll, have been exporting more than 291 billion of them, while the value of revenues ofnearly three billion dollars, according to "regulate tobacco market regulator and alcohol. 

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