Thursday 2 June 2016

ISESCO calls on Islamic world to greater protection for wildlife

RABAT (Ina) - The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) , the Islamic world to greater protection for wildlife, and to the further activation of international conventions and declarations and the application of laws on environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity in all its forms. 
The organization said in a statement issued on the occasion of the day global environment that the fifth day of the month falls on June of each year, he was chosen the slogan "all for wildlife" World environment day for the year 2016, in order to draw attention to the risks to wildlife and threatened by unfair practices, particularly fishing exaggerated, and trafficking of skins and furs animals, ivory and horns and rhino, etc., and abuse of natural energies of the living species, and the depletion of natural systems that shelter them. 
She pointed out that many of the Earth 's ecosystems are approaching the point of no return critical of depletion or change, to the high population growth rates and the proliferation of industrial and economic development requirements and the depletion of natural resources. 
ISESCO explained that it operates within its plans in the general framework for sustainable development in the Islamic world, which has been Thianh in the sixth Islamic Conference of environment Ministers held in Rabat in October 2015, on activating the joint environmental action among Member States and within the international community, to ensure respect for treaties and laws related to wildlife and theneed to protect her 
She stressed the need for the international community to act to take steps to prevent the escalation ofstress natural systems of the earth, and combating illicit trafficking in wildlife, and all that threatens biodiversity, especially species that are in the process of extinction Kalfelh, tigers, rhinos sea ​​turtles, birds, reptiles, and other types of vegetation next to endangered ecosystems of disappearing. 

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