Saturday 4 June 2016

In addition, on holiday Philadelphia schools for the benefit of Muslim Students

Philadelphia (Ina) Philadelphia City Council announced the inclusion of Id al - Fitr and Eid al - Adha in thelist of school holidays for the city so that members of the Muslim community to celebrate the two events religious communities, according to the deployment site , "NBC" story. 
The decision will be implemented in 134 thousand educational institution, where he will become thestudents can celebrate Eid al - Fitr , which announces the end of the holy month of Ramadan as well as Eid al - Adha. 
he said the mayor 's office said that starting from the academic year of 2016/2017 this additional days inclusion to the list of school holidays, and became teachers and students who want to celebrate this can occasions absent that day from school. 
he added that the city Council will send the proposal to the Committee on inflicting amendments educational holidays in order to vote on a resolution included in the official school holidays once and forall. 
he said the city 's mayor, Jim Kenny , "I am happy with all leaders and activists who have supported me for the adoption of this religious holidays for Muslims once and for all in the list of private schools in thePhiladelphia holidays. " 
this decision comes less than a year after the declaration of New York city as well Eid al - Fitr and Eid al - Adha to the list of official holidays for all residents of the city. 
at the level of the Muslim community, has said Jacob Bender, executive director the Council onAmerican - Islamic relations Philadelphia branch that "in light of this electoral period characterized byhostility unprecedented against members of the Muslim community, the mayor Kenny and the city council are examples of courage and not to obey the voices of hate and violence increased sharply in the country." 

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