Friday 3 June 2016

German parliament: the recognition of Armenian allegations will hinder reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey

BERLIN (Ina) - Mark Parliamentary German for the German Christian Democratic Union Party, Oliver Wejtkh, that the resolution , which was approved by parliament on recognition of the alleged "genocide" of Armenians in 1915, would hamper reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey process. 
He Wejtkh in comments carried by Anatolia news agency comments, the decision to focus on the past, do not care about the present and the future, which is why it chose to abstain from voting on it. 
he Wejtkh the hope that the relations between Armenia and Turkey to return to normal soon. 
he said Wejtkh that the non - attendance of about one - third of the deputies to the session vote, indicates the presence of differences in views between the House of Representatives about thedecision. He 
also expressed Wejtkh the view that taking steps in the reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia process, depends on the play of Europe positively in this particular role. 
the honest German parliament, yesterday on the draft resolution is " the Armenian allegations" about thegeneral events 1915 "genocide", but the decision is a decision of recommendation, and has no side ismandatory legally. 
summoned Turkey yesterday its ambassador in Germany Huseyin Avni Karesly Ihsanoglu, to Ankara for consultations, and summoned the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Acting German embassy in Ankara, Robert Dolger, and he expressed his Turkish Deputy Foreign Ministry adviser "Levent Murat," annoyance Ankara about the German parliament 's approval of the draft resolution.

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