Wednesday, 1 June 2016

German expert: Syrian soldiers who took part in the looting of the effects of Palmyra

BERLIN (Ina) - The archaeologist Hermann Barzyngr who heads a prominent German cultural institution Wednesday (June 1, 2016), the soldiers in the Syrian army looting in the ancient city of Palmyra , which had been to sabotage the extremists. 
The head of the "Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation," the organization that includes important museums , especially in Berlin, libraries and centers archives that "soldiers Syrians are engaged inexploration violation of the law after the end of their service time." 
and came Barzyngr remarks ahead of a key meeting on the preservation of Syrian heritage on Thursday in Berlin under the auspices of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and culture "UNESCO" and the government German, attended by more than 170 scientists and an expert on theeffects of an engineer and an expert on civil planning. 
the expert spoke about "looting" soldiers in the Syrian army destroys the city 's historic ranked on the list of UNESCO human heritage, which government forces regained control after a battle lasted for 20 days against al "Daash "which was occupied in May / May 2015 , 
as quoted by Agence France - Presse, for Barzyngr in an article published Wednesday newspaper "Frankfurter Agheimain Zeitung" that "this victory (the organization in Palmyra) does not make it ( theSyrian regime President Bashar) al - Assad and his supporters Hama cultural heritage " of Syria

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