Saturday 4 June 2016

Davutoglu forget the concerns of policy book for the central cities

ANKARA (Ina) - intends to former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu provide author "Medeniyetler ve Şehirler", which means in Arabic "civilizations and cities", to readers on thetenth of June of this, having finished writing it in Turkish. 
Davutoglu and began to write "civilizations and cities" in 2009, when he was foreign minister, and ended in this period , a significant portion of it, and in spite of his presidency to thegovernment, on August 27 / August 2014 and his presidency of the justice and development Party, and waging two elections parliamentarians, and the return of the Organization of my Ka Ka terrorist action armed again, Davutoglu continued in the line of this author, and especially in the last four months of his government. 
Davutoglu addresses in his book, studies and analyzes, cities from all over the world, such as Istanbul and Konya, and Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem and New York, and Rome , Delhi, Kathmandu, Beijing, Cairo, Amman and Baghdad, Isfahan, Venice and Timbuktu. 
the Department of the author his book into three parts, namely , in the following form: "my first cities: monuments," "history of the cities and towns of the Ottoman", "city story of thehistory: the history of civilizations axial and cities ", the book also includes many sub -headings as" pilot cities and the institution of civilization, "" cities lost its luster after thedemise of the political suzerainty and transformation of civilization "," cities twinned between different civilizations, "" from Turkistan to Andalusia, attempts to de - cities ". 
Davutoglu wrote the following words on the back cover of the book: 
"the fortunes of cities linked to the fate of civilization that fall under it Through this close knit, book in your hands highlights the concept, the central cities. The cities constitute amilestone, to the history of flourishing civilization and the eclipse, which stand out in thearchitectural image, or the rhythms of music, or entrenched cultural traditions, or the thriving market on the trade routes, and sometimes in the political system status, to receive the time and place landmarks of civilization in the context of a historical fact . " . It 
should be noted that the book "strategic depth" to Davutoglu, issued the first edition in theTurkish language in 2001, and was translated into many world languages, including English, Arabic, Persian, Greek, and issued the first Arabic edition in 2010, for Al Jazeera Centre for Studies in Qatar. 

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