Sunday 5 June 2016

Court allow the passage of the occupation, "the march of flags" Islamic Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Ina) - The Supreme Court allowed the Israeli occupation of the establishment of the march of "Dance flags" for Jewish settlers in Jerusalem, and the passing of the Muslim Quarter in the Old City, rejecting a petition filed by "Ir Amim" Society leftist Israeli, against the march over the neighborhood. 
There will be the march on Sunday evening, as part of the settlers celebrations of what they call " theday the unification of Jerusalem," the 49th anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem, where he will pass in the Muslim Quarter to coincide with the anticipation of Muslims crescent of the month ofRamadan, prompting "Ir Amim" Association to submit a petition to the Supreme Court asking for the preventing passage of the neighborhood. 
decided occupying responded petition the court and keep the march path as is, with the date ofcompletion to be seven in the evening, so as not to conflict with the date of Taraweeh prayers which will be held after evening prayers, between the ninth and tenth evening, in case it was ascertained that thetomorrow is the first day of Ramadan. 
the court decided to evacuate all revelers to "march of flags" from the streets of the Muslim Quarter in the schedule.

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