Saturday 11 June 2016

Collector "honest rag" .. Pods Burda and history

ISTANBUL (Ina) - embraces the mosque rag fair in Istanbul cloak of the Prophet Muhammad , peace beupon him, and brought by Sultan Selim I in 1516, and keep it in a special place in the city until 1851, where the Ottoman Empire established this mosque and deposited Secretariat Prophet Muhammad, according to Authority Turkish radio and television. 
located collector rag or jacket Prophet Muhammad in the Fatih district, a month and the oldest neighborhoods of historic Istanbul. 
the newly combined building model, and shows him vulnerable to the Arab style, a little bit away from the classic Ottoman - style mosque is decorated with Arabic lines from the inside, and Ttosth Dome wide. 
since the establishment of the mosque, preserved the Secretariat of the Prophet in a special closed -endfund in the mosque, ban open to the public, to give the Sultan Abdul Hamid II judgment, ordered theopening during the holy month of Ramadan, so that people can watch the mantle of the Holy Prophet, and that represents a great religious meanings for Muslims all. 
the visit of the mosque, and look at the mantle of the Prophet "purdah" donated to Tabi Yemeni Aweys Qarni (as Legend), from the months of Ramadan habits when the Turks, every year flock of thousands of Turks from all across the country to see her and blessed her. 
usually accompanies the visit a mosque rag fair, which begins with the start of Ramadan, theestablishment of markets and shopping centers, which sold books, clothes, sweets and swimming pools, headwear and fragrances.

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