Sunday 5 June 2016

Canadian residents of Albuquerque in solidarity with the Muslim community

New Mexico (Ina) across the members of the Muslim community in the city of New Mexico all affected by the support shown by them residents of Albuquerque city, in response to the proliferation of political rhetoric to them after the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels and California, according to thedeployment site , "APEC Journal." 
In last December, after the announcement of the Republican candidate for the US presidency, Donald Trump, for a proposal to prevent the Muslims entry into the United States, Albuquerque Islamic Center received many supportive Muslim community messages sent by the citizens and leaders of thechurches. 
Abbas said Achilles, the head of the Islamic Center, "I've stopped for opening messages to the large number, and from there sent sums of money to support us . " 
after his anonymous Molotov cocktails at the center in October 2014 in retaliation for terrorist attack that has within Ottawa County Parliament, gathered hundreds of citizens to pause peacefully to express their fears of the country 's dominant climate. 
doubled Muslim community in the city 's efforts to fight the ideas fallacy about the Islamic religion ,which has spread due to the terrorist attacks. 
the Union of Muslim women of the most active at this level organizations, as it was keen to organize anumber of meetings between the different members of the community to answer all questions related totraditions and customs Islamic. 
She lives in New Mexico around 4000 Muslim family, according to the census conducted in 2010. And descend the families of the Indian and Pakistani and Middle Eastern descent, in addition to the students, staff and teachers and refugees. 

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