Friday 3 June 2016

Accord Libyan government forces enter Sirte

TRIPOLI (Ina) - "architecture Almrsos" Libyan forces announced on Friday that it had entered Sirte , astronghold of the organization "Daash" in Libya, currently embroiled in battles against the terrorists in the streets of the city, according to The Associated Press. 
The agency quoted Brigadier General Mohammad Algbar, spokesman as the operations "Almrsos architecture" in charge of the presidential Council of the Government of the Libyan accord, saying that progress army was supported by the air force. 
He said Algbar in a press statement, that "Almrsos architecture" forces will work in the coming period to encircle the entire city from all axes can not even organize "Daash" escape, adding that the rest of themilitary plans secret, as quoted by the media , a Libyan. 
He pointed out that "Almrsos architecture" forces advanced in all axes fronts fighting on the outskirts of the city of Sirte to tens of kilometers, confirming the approach of the elimination of regulation. 
in context, Algbar denied the existence of any foreign military fighting with "Almrsos architecture" Jamahiriya, in their battle against the "Daash" the country's forces. 
He Algbar to be present in all axes combat fronts , all of Libyans from Misrata and the Western region to Ras Iğdır, noting that the logistical support foot operations "Almrsos architecture" of friendly countries. 
he was a member of the Media Centre of the operations room "Almrsos architecture," Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi al- Misrati, announced earlier that 13 martyrs and more than 35 wounded people were killed in violent clashes with al "Daash." 

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