Saturday 4 June 2016

A drug for diabetes can cure breast cancer

WASHINGTON (Ina) - According to US researchers, the drug famous is used to treat diabetes, hasproved effective in the treatment of breast cancer, it also deals with endometrial hyperplasia without side effects. The 
researchers said Faculty of Medicine , University of Pennsylvania, said that the drug famous metformin may be an effective treatment for breast cancer and endometrial hyperplasia, and presented their findings to the annual meeting of the American Society of clinical Oncology, is being held in the state ofHakagua America from 3 to June 7 this month.

according to the research team, the metformin (metformin) is one of the most commonly used drugs to patients type II diabetes, for his role in prolonging the life of patients who suffer from diabetes - related damage to minute , which affects the arteries of the heart coronary blood vessels. 
owns the property 's ability to inhibit the development of liver glucose from non - carbohydrate sources, leading to low blood sugar, and thus reduce the vascular damage. the 
researchers conducted the initial study on 1569 women to detect the drug on the survival of breast cancer patients survive rates effect, and that was between 1997 and 2013. the 
researchers found that women who took metformin by breast cancer, diminished their death opportunities because breast cancer after the disease. 
the researchers also found that the chances of dying from breast cancer declined among women who took the drug after developing cancer by 50 percent. 
in the second study, which was conducted on 5592 lady, the researchers monitored the effectiveness ofmetformin in endometrial hyperplasia treatment , without disclosing the timing of the study. 
They found that 56 percent of those who took metformin treated of endometrial hyperplasia without complications, unlike that currently exists on the hormone progesterone, which causes major side effects such as weight gain, mood changes treatment, shortness of digestive system, or to resort toresolve a hysterectomy. 
According to the international Agency for Research on Cancer, the world Health Organization, the breast cancer is more common among women , the types of tumors in all parts of the world in general, and the Middle East especially, since being diagnosed about 1.4 million new cases each year, and kills more than 450 thousand annually lady approximately the world. 

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