Thursday 28 April 2016

Egyptian Fatwa: the closure of mosques in Myanmar racist crimes contrary to international norms and conventions

Cairo (Ina) Dan Islamophobia Observatory of the Dar al - Ifta by local authorities in Myanmar to close the famous mosque in Mdo city known as the Mosque of Menashe and the closure of a mosque last named Collector Haj Ismail in Rcidong and prevent Muslims from performing prayers in the collectors and the arrest of prayer tries there .
He said , " the observatory, "in a statement on Thursday, that these racist practices and anti-Myanmar Muslims violates all international charters and norms and that settled the UN for along time .
Observatory explained that the practice of religion does not represent any threat or danger to the local authorities in the states, but rather to prevent Muslims from performing prayers and discrimination against them and arrest both approaching the mosque is a real threat to the state and society alike , especially with grabbed the armed groups and terrorist these discriminatory practices against Muslims as a ground to arms and violence and to join terrorist groups .
he observatory that Munshi mosque in the city of Mdo collector Haj Ismail in Rcidong are among the most famous historical mosques owned by Muslims of Rohingya in Arakan state and back to nearly 500 years ago does not in any way may prevent Muslims from intent to perform religious rites .
He called the Observatory of the international community to address the racist practices and persecution against Muslims in Myanmar and exert pressure on local authorities to push for commitment to international norms and conventions stable in the international community and to ensure that all individuals the freedom to practice religious rites and to hold accountable individuals and bodies involved in acts of violence, discrimination and persecution against Muslims there .

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