Thursday 28 April 2016

Barbs US official's remarks after hostile to Islam and foreigners

Whoosh / Zaa

Whoosh / Zaa

Whoosh / Zaa
LOS ANGELES (Ina) - A US security official in the city of Los Angeles subjected to harsh criticism after itpublished a series of e - mails containing racist jokes and remarks anti-Islamic group, during his tenure Burbank police station , according to the Web site reported , "ABC" news. 
Tom Angell , who served as a senior policeman Burbank police Department, Los Angeles, between 2012 and 2013, you may exchange electronic Rsaila with his colleagues include offensive references to Muslims and Latinas and blacks. 
and included one of the letters published by the New York Times that racist signs shocking, since Angell wrote in one of them , "I've passed the test of natural Science Friday last, Ward asked about the two foundations in the human body cells, appear to be" black "and" Mexicans "Jawaban are wrong." 
and has published another letter provides justification for the process of listening and observation on the basis of race and discrimination which affects Muslims in US airports where "is linked to religious Muslims the possibility to carry out terrorist operations on an ongoing basis." 
and these actions, Amartiati peace said, a member of the General Affairs Council of the Muslim community, the stigmatization of the Muslim community undermines the relationship of trust which istrying to law enforcement authorities strengthened with individuals community. 
he said in this regard, "it 's humiliating and scary , " he said . "when the offer to do so , a senior official acting with public funds, it is ridiculous and poorly indeed." 
he declined Angel to comment on these messages, but the police department issued a statement asserting that "feeling cop distressed of these behaviors and presented apologies explicit what Badr him of abuse. " it is 
noteworthy that the phenomenon of Islamophobia has become widespread in the United States at all levels, including some officials who do not feel embarrassed to express their opinions hostile to Islam.

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