Saturday 30 April 2016

Clashes on the sidelines of the German Alternative populist party conference

Stuttgart (Ina) - saw the opening of the party conference , "Alternative for Germany" populist, Saturday, in Stuttgart (southwest), clashes with leftist activists prompting police to intervene and arrest hundreds of them for a few hours. 
A spokesman for the local police, according to Agence France Press, said that hundreds of people who oppose the "alternative for Germany" Party tried in the morning , close access to the conference and to Stuttgart at the nearby airport roads, prompting police to the arrest of 400 people. 
and raised groups of demonstrators close to the Convention Center and the airport, banners reading " No Nazi propaganda! " And "Flananfez refugees and to expel the Nazis." 
Marched Saturday afternoon about 1,800 people in a demonstration in the center of Stuttgart under theslogan "to stop both tendencies right - wing" without incident. 
Turning "Alternative for Germany" party , which was founded in 2013 from the European currency declined to euro Standard, to the anti - refugee and Islam. 

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