Tuesday 22 December 2015

Syria’s Global Impact

Syria’s Global Impact

In 2015, the ripples from the Arab Spring spread globally, as acts of terror directed or inspired by Islamic State caused carnage far and wide, spurring greater military involvement by outsiders, including some new players.

Terror Plots

Attacks in France on Nov. 13 shattered the idea that Europe could keep the Syria war at arm's length. Many of the plotters had ties to Belgium, which foiled a plot on its soil in January and locked down its capital for four days after the Paris attacks, fearing more violence. Some attackers slipped into Europe via Greece by posing as refugees.


About 1 million migrants, many of them Syrian, poured into Europe; more than 3,500 died en route or are reported missing, according to the U.N. Italy was the main point of entry, then Greece as people crossed over from Turkey, then trekked through the Balkans and across Hungary to richer Germany and Sweden. Plans to take in more refugees met political resistance in the U.S., less so in Canada. Turkey secured promises of more European aid to cope with the 2 million Syrian refugees on its soil.

Military Involvement

Iran, Russia and the Lebanon-based militia Hezbollah are supporting Assad's forces militarily. U.S.-led airstrikes are supporting Kurdish fighters in Syria and Iraq against Islamic State. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are backing some Syrian rebel groups.

International Tensions

Russia's entry into the Syria war on behalf of the Assad regime caused friction with the U.S. and its allies, who are backing some opposition groups that want Assad out. Russian airstrikes hit some of those Western-backed rebels as well as Islamic State targets. Turkey downed a Russian warplane for allegedly violating its airspace. Iraq's cooperation with Russia and Iran against Islamic State irritated the U.S.
The Obama administration is debating how it might usefully intervene in the multisided war in Syria, whether Russia is an ally, an enemy or both, and how welcoming it should be to refugees. The 2016 election is being driven by many of these issues, fueled as well by the mass shootings in California, which appear at least to be inspired by Islamic State.
Sent aircraft carrier to the region this fall to intensify its airstrikes in eastern Syria, including oil assets controlled by Islamic State.
Parliament voted overwhelmingly in December to expand U.K. airstrikes on Islamic State into Syria from Iraq.
Preferred destination for many of the refugees. Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-arms policy sparked criticism at home and from some European Union partners.
Began airstrikes in late September on behalf of Assad regime, its longtime ally, citing threat of homegrown extremism, but hitting more than just Islamic State. Bases in Syria provide Russia's main foothold in region.


Opened military bases to U.S.-led coalition and joined airstrikes. Tightened border to stop Islamic State fighters traveling in and out of Syria, especially in wake of Ankara bombings. Pressed to do more to stem tide of refugees heading to Europe.
Greece has been overwhelmed with the arrival of about 800,000 seaborne migrants this year, about half of whom were Syrians.
Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah has sent thousands of fighters into Syria to support Assad regime. Absorbed more than 1.2 million Syrian refugees, more than one-fifth of its population.


Stepped up participation in U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State after Jordanian pilot was killed by the group. Has absorbed more than 600,000 displaced Syrians.

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