Monday 16 November 2015

David Cameron: gap with Russia over Assad rule in Syria narrowing

David Cameron has said the gap between Britain and Russia over the future political role of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, has narrowed.
But Britain’s prime minister acknowledged he had failed to convince some MPs that his call for a UK bombing campaign in Syria was coupled with a wider plan to bring peace to the country.
Speaking at the G20 summit in southern Turkey, he said: “It is perfectly right to say a few extra bombs and missiles won’t transform the situation. Our plan has always been that we need a political transition in Syria, as well as degrading and destroying Isis in Syria.”
He added: “Those people who have been uncertain about taking action in Syria often make the point they want to know about future plans for how you help to bring that country together. My argument is those plans are right there but they need to be set out more clearly and more explanation given.”

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