Monday 16 November 2015

Borderless terrorism can only be tackled by borderless intelligence

Afew hours after narrowly failing to murder Margaret Thatcher in the Brighton bombing, the IRA calmly announced: “Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once – you will have to be lucky always.”
This is the grim reality of our fight against Islamic State. More times than not, our security services have intervened to prevent terrorist atrocities. But the murders last Friday in Paris change everything. François Hollande was right to say we are now at war. Isis has certainly been at war with us for many years. Driven by a perversion of Islam, they are fanatics whose sole objective is to kill as many of us as possible. There will be no negotiation. We can and must take immediate measures to lower the risks of further attacks. It’s time for a new European approach that reflects these realities.
First, our security services need to work together much more closely. Following the attacks in Paris, it’s been reported the French security services currently employ about 3,000 counter-intelligence personnel. Yet they are trying to monitor 5,000 suspected terrorists and it takes on average 25 people to provide complete surveillance per suspect. It doesn’t take a mathematician to realise the flaws in this.

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