Friday 25 December 2015

Text of Modi’s speech to Afghan parliament

Following is the text of the speech delivered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Afghan parliament on Friday:
Your Excellency President Ghani
Your Excellency, Chief Executive Dr. Abdulla
Honorable Speaker of Wolesi Jirga and the Chairman of Meshraon Jirga,
Distinguished Members of both Houses
Eight centuries ago, a famous son of Balkh province, one of the greatest poets in human history, Jalaluddin Rumi, wrote, “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that gives flowers, not thunder.”
This is the wisdom of this magnificent land and a great nation.
A land where legends are born — of poetry and beauty, of valour and honour, of pride and generosity, of the warmest embrace of friendship and the strongest resistance for freedom.
And, in this century, the great Afghan people have waged an epic struggle of courage and resolve to shape their future with vote and debate, not gun and violence.
A country with an abiding faith in the tradition of Jirga has chosen the path of democracy. And, it has done it against challenges that would have defeated a lesser people.
It is a tribute to the countless, nameless Afghans who laid down their lives and sacrificed their future.
To the leadership of former president Hamid Karzai Saheb, who led the nation with wisdom and determination from the dark days of despair to a future of hope.
To President Ghani and CEO Dr. Abdullah for their vision and statesmanship that can only come from great patriots.
To you, Members of Parliament, for braving violence to take your seat in this House in trust of your people.
Honourable Members,
So, I stand here, on behalf of 1.25 billion friends in India, in admiration for your achievements, in gratitude for your friendship and in solidarity for your future.
And, today, I am humbled and honoured to join President Ghani and all the Members of the Afghan Parliament to dedicate this new abode of democracy to the Afghan nation.
We could not have chosen a more special day than the birthday of one of the tallest leaders of our time, former prime minister and Bharat Ratna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji. Eleven years ago, he dreamt of this project in partnership with Karzai Saheb.
And, we are deeply touched that you have chosen to name one of the wings in this building the Atal Block.
This Parliament House brings together our two nations through the vision of our leaders, the labour of our people and the stones of our lands.
And, the Atal Block unites us in spirit, because Atal means hero in Pashto and in Hindi it means to be firm. It captures the spirit of Afghanistan and of our friendship.
This Parliament Complex is a small tribute to your progress as a nation and a democracy. And, it will stand as an enduring symbol of the ties of emotions and values, of affection and aspirations that bind us in a special relationship.

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