Wednesday 18 November 2015

To turn on refugees because of Paris is weak and absurd

Should we ban white Australians from coming to Britain? After all, one misfit teenager from Melbourne became so disillusioned with western life that he went to Iraq and reportedly blew himself up as an Islamic State suicide bomber earlier this year. With his long hair and love of football, Jake Bilardi would have passed unnoticed among Parisians slaughtered so callously as they ate, drank and danced on Friday night. And given his passport and skin colour, the young jihadi would have had little trouble entering the country.
It is, of course, an absurd suggestion. One man, however evil or misguided, should not damn an entire nation. Yet amid the howls of horror over the atrocities in France, there is a crescendo of voices demanding Europe stop refugees from seeking sanctuary, since a murderer might have sneaked in among hundreds of thousands coming here to escape war and repression. Such alarm is understandable after last week’s horrific attacks, which shake even the most open minds. Yet it is also profoundly wrong.

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