Monday 16 November 2015

Raqqa activists reveal details of French airstrikes on Syria

French warplanes have launched 30 airstrikes on more than a dozen Islamic State targets in Raqqa, activists in the Syrian city have said.
The raids were France’s first retaliation to Friday’s coordinated attacks in Paris claimed by Isis, in which at least 129 people were killed.
Residents said the targets bombed in the de facto capital of the militants’ self-proclaimed caliphate included the local Isis political office, the southern entrance to the city and a military camp.
“The French airstrikes were precise and targeted Daesh positions,” said one activist, using an Arabic acronym for Isis. “They hit Isis headquarters and camps that have ammunition warehouses as well as vehicles and [Isis] members.”
Division 17, an army base to the north of the city, had been under Isis control since July 2014.Isis claimed responsibility for Friday’s attacks in Paris, saying it had targetedFrance because of its role in the coalition carrying out airstrikes in Syria and describing it as a haven for “crusaders”.
Raqqa activists said Isis members had distributed sweets in the city in the aftermath of the operation, and forced residents to give interviews endorsing the Paris attacks.
The French defence ministry said in a statement that the sites targeted had previously been identified on reconnaissance flights.
The decision to launch retaliatory airstrikes against the group was an act of self-defence, the French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, has said.

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