Monday, 4 January 2016

An insider's cultural guide to Beirut: 'a beautiful, rowdy, intoxicated mess'

The car horn. Everyone in the city has their hand poised just above it ready to communicate all sorts of emotions. We’ve actually developed an entire non-verbal lexicon. A long beep expresses anger, two short ones are a hello to the local greengrocer, and so on. You can even express political allegiances by playing a tune. I wish they’d have every car horn removed when cars are imported. I think it would make the place friendlier and save everyone a lot of money on whisky and Xanax.Lebanon’s mainstream TV landscape looks alarming similar to that of most countries around the world at this point, ie some combination of X Factor and Dancing With The Stars. The latest show to capture the imagination is Celebrity Duets, the local variant of a very short lived American franchise – it lasted all of one short season – which pairs celebrities with pop singers for duets. It’s pretty self-explanatory. I think the show is working really well in Lebanon because everyone loves a good singalong, and the celebrity element makes it feel like you’re hanging out with friends.
In this clip, a TV chef who has been on screen for about as long as I can remember performs a culinary-themed duet with pop star Fares Karam.

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