Tuesday 19 July 2016

Erdogan reveals new information about the coup on the "island" evening

ANKARA (Ina) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan overlooking Tuesday evening (July 19, 2016), in an exclusive interview and live through the fallopian the "island" in Arabic and English newsletters, at seven pm, GMT Ankara and Doha (16 GMT). 
The Special meeting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Al Jazeera, his second, after the failed coup, where he was the first to appear to him Monday across CNN 's America. 
It is expected that the Turkish president reveals in an interview today that some new information about the failed coup last Friday . 
the capital , Ankara, Istanbul, late, on Friday, failed coup attempt, carried out limited elements of thearmy, tracking organization "parallel entity" terrorist, during which he tried to close the two bridges linking the European halves and Asian Istanbul city (west), and control Security Directorate where some official and private media institutions, according to government statements and witnesses. 
and met with the coup attempt staged protests massive popular in most cities and states of Turkey, where the collar citizens parliament buildings and the Chiefs of Staff, and the security directorates, forcing around military vehicles to withdraw , which contributed to the failure of the coup attempt.

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