Tuesday 27 October 2015

JK Rowling explains refusal to join cultural boycott of Israel

JK Rowling has spoken out further about her decision not to join a cultural boycott of Israel, saying that while she has “deplored” most of the actions of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, she does not believe a decision by artists to refrain from cultural relations with the country will force him from power.
The bestselling novelist also spoke of how “the sharing of art and literature across borders constitutes an immense power for good in this world”, citing the “heart-splitting poetry of Mahmoud Darwish”, the late and widely acclaimed Palestinian poet who “seared … the true human cost of the Palestinian conflict … upon my consciousness”.
Rowling was one of more than 150 signatories to a letter published in the Guardian last week, along with names including Melvyn Bragg, Hilary Mantel and Simon Schama. The letter was written in response to a February missive signed by around 700 artists calling for a cultural boycott of Israel. The letter signed by Rowling cites its signatories’ belief that “cultural boycotts singling out Israel are divisive and discriminatory, and will not further peace”, and that “cultural engagement builds bridges, nurtures freedom and positive movement for change”.

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